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- Sept 19th Meeting Announcement
Sept 19th Meeting Announcement
Upcoming Meeting Information

You want MORE endorsements?
What will be our endorsed Propositions?
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Join us for our endorsement meeting
Monday, September 19th, 2022, 6:30 PM
Here is the link to register for the September 19, meeting:
SEPTEMBER 19, 2022, ENDORSEMENT CONSIDERATIONSAt our August monthly membership meeting, the members of the Democratic Woman's Club of San Diego voted to consider endorsing two of the CA state propositions that will appear on the November General Election ballot. We will be considering endorsements for Prop 1 and Prop 30. The endorsement vote is scheduled for Monday, September 19, 2022, at our next General Membership meeting.As a reminder, per the Club by-laws as amended on 11/16/2021: “A General Member in good standing who has attended at least two (2) prior meetings, as a member, in the previous twelve (12) months shall be eligible to vote for Club Officer elections and Club endorsements.” Only those members who meet the above voting eligibility requirements will be able to vote on these endorsement considerations. We will be using Zoom to vote that evening rather than an automated ballot, so you will need to be present to have your vote counted.As a reminder the meeting will start promptly at 6:30 PM.The Club will consider endorsing the following CA State propositions:CA Proposition 1: The measure would add Section 1.1 to Article 1 of the California Constitution. The following text would be added:The state shall not deny or interfere with an individual’s reproductive freedom in their most intimate decisions, which includes their fundamental right to choose to have an abortion and their fundamental right to choose or refuse contraceptives.This section is intended to further the constitutional right to privacy guaranteed by Section 1, and the constitutional right to not be denied equal protection guaranteed by Section 7. Nothing herein narrows or limits the right to privacy or equal protection.To learn more• Ballotpedia Explainer:https://ballotpedia.org/California_Proposition_1,_Right_to_Reproductive_Freedom_Amendment_(2022)• Legislative Analysis:https://lao.ca.gov/BallotAnalysis/Proposition?number=1&year=2022• Vote Yes on Prop 1: https://www.yeson1ca.com/CA Proposition 30: Provides Funding for Programs to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Increasing Tax on Personal Income Over $2 Million. Initiative Statute. Increases tax on personal income over $2 million by 1.75% for individuals and married couples and allocates new tax revenues as follows: (1) 45% for rebates and other incentives for zero-emission vehicle purchases and 35% for charging stations for zero-emission vehicles, with at least half of this funding directed to low-income households and communities; and (2) 20% for wildfire prevention and suppression programs, with priority given to hiring and training firefighters. Requires audits of programs and expenditures.To learn more:• Ballotpedia Explainer:https://ballotpedia.org/California_Proposition_30,_Tax_on_Income_Above_$2_Million_for_Zero-Emissions_Vehicles_and_Wildfire_Prevention_Initiative_(2022)• Legislative Analysis: https://lao.ca.gov/ballot/2022/Prop30-110822.pdf• Clean Air CA – Yes on 30:https://yeson30.org/?gclid=CjwKCAjw6raYBhB7EiwABge5KjjvmSoKa6eNLyvhHSxWeplkOQUOQbbbJkm3B1ydmpf8BaVknrrCJBoC4e0QAvD_BwEReminder, to receive the Club’s endorsement, the 60% vote threshold must be met. “No Endorsement” will always be an option and the number of votes for “No Endorsement” will be included when determining the Club’s position on these propositions.Please contact me if you have further questions. Regards,Yvonne Elkin (she, her) DWCSD Endorsement [email protected]
MEMBERSHIP DUES CHANGE2022 + 2023 = Just $30In order to improve our Club's ability to effectively plan our activities and budget in the coming years, all club members will now have the same annual renewal date of January 1st, and memberships will cover a calendar year. During this transition, members will have the opportunity to renew their 2022 membership for the rest of 2022 for AND pay their 2023 dues for $30, rather than pay separately for 2022 and 2023 dues which would total $50.
Any new membership or renewed membership will extend from the date of payment through December 31st, 2023. Join or renew at: https://donorbox.org/dwc-sd

As always, if any member has questions or concerns, please feel free to call me. I look forward to 'seeing you', Monday, September 19th.Dr. LaWana Richmond, President(619) [email protected]
The purpose of the Democratic Woman’s Club of San Diego County is to amplify women's issues through education and advocacy and to foster active interest in the Democratic Party, supporting the party platforms, contributing to party leadership and responsibility, providing a constructive role for the volunteer in Democratic politics, and developing an activist base.
We demand equality of opportunity, a level playing field, and fair and equal treatment for all.We are dismantling the patriarchy.We meet the third Monday of every month; please see the Events section of our website for more details. Our meetings are now held on Zoom, and you can register here.Questions? Email [email protected].
Officers of the ClubDr. LaWana Richmond, Presidentvacant, External Vice PresidentSarah Davis, Internal Vice President Cathie Hyatt, SecretaryAnn Crosbie, Director of CommunicationsYvonne Elkin, Treasurer