[Re-sent] January is for Renewal

💃 Democratic Woman's Club of San Diego: January is for Renewal

Hello ,

January 6, 2021 will be remembered as one of the darkest days in US history.

But January also saw the election of two Democratic Senators from Georgia, giving Democrats control of both houses of Congress, and…

On January 4th Terra Lawson-Remer and Nora Vargas were sworn in giving Democrats control of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, and…

On January 20th Joe R. Biden, Jr. and Kamala Harris will restore dignity to the office of the President, and hope to the majority of Americans.

January is also the month when the California Democratic Party (CDP) elects delegates from eighty Assembly Districts, renewing the CDP with voices from the community.

Ring the bells that still can ring

 Forget your perfect offering

 There is a crack in everything.

 That’s how the light gets in.

― Leonard Cohen

Please register to receive a vote by mail ballot for delegates in your Assembly District, by completing this simple online form using your registered address - https://ademelections.com

The deadline to register is January 11, 2021, 11:59PM

We can elect delegates to represent and speak strongly for our communities - you can learn more about the candidates from each district here - https://adem.cadem.org/

If you have questions on the the AD elections please reach out to your CDP Regional Director

Assembly Districts 73, 74, 75, 76Deborah Cunningham-Skurnik, Region 18(949) 521-3292[email protected]

Assembly Districts 42, 56, 67, 71Michael Milan, Region 19(818) 404-6401[email protected]

Assembly Districts 77, 78, 79, 80Michelle Krug, Region 20(619) 888-4974 (phone preferred)[email protected]https://linktr.ee/michellerkrug

Up to the January 11, 2021 deadline, if a participant is having difficulty completing the online verification process, they may ask for assistance via email [email protected] or by the CADEM 2021 ADEM phone line, (916) 442-5707. Staff will attempt to resolve the verification issue with the participant.

Role of DelegatesCDP delegates vote and conduct Party business at the yearly State Convention and Executive Board meetings, including:

  • Election of CDP Officers: Chairman, two Vice-Chairs, Secretary and Controller (in odd-numbered years after presidential elections)

  • Election of 16-25 Regional Directors who function as liaisons between the CDP, County Central Committees, and Democratic Clubs in regions comprised of 3 to 5 Assembly Districts (in odd-numbered years)

  • Vote for the Endorsements of the CDP for partisan legislative and statewide offices in California

  • Vote for Positions on Ballot Propositions (as needed)

  • Establishment of the official CDP Platform (in even-numbered years), and CDP Resolutions

The Mission of the Democratic Woman’s Club of San Diego County is to promote the goals and ideals of the Democratic Party with particular attention to increasing women’s political participation at all levels of elected and appointed office. Therefore, the Club will actively support Democratic candidates, contribute to party leadership, responsibility and harmony, and stimulate active interest in the Democratic Party, particularly among women.

We demand equality of opportunity, a level playing field and fair and equal treatment for all. We are dismantling the patriarchy.We (usually) meet the third Monday of every month see Events section of our website for more details. Meetings are now held on Zoom by registering here.(619) 900-4751[email protected]Join our Meetup group

Officers of the ClubSusan Peinado, President & CofounderRamla Sahid, External Vice PresidentRebecca Fielding-Miller, Internal Vice PresidentCathie Hyatt, SecretaryRosamond Blevins, Treasurer