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- July 19th Democratic Woman's Club Meeting Reminder
July 19th Democratic Woman's Club Meeting Reminder
Reminder: Democratic Woman's Club Mtg Monday, 7/19 @6:30 pm
Happy Pride!

Dear DWC Members and Frie
We look forward to seeing you Monday evening for our July meeting of the Democratic Woman's Club of San Diego County. The meeting will be held on zoom this coming Monday, July 19th. The meeting room will open at 6:00 pm for Check-in and Credentialing with the meeting called to order at 6:30 pm. Remember, DWC-SD meets on the 3rd Monday of every month and begins at 6:30 pm. Here's the link to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtc-ygpz0jGtHiUwK25Bq90NTh1n123NTD
Here's the agenda:
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
Opening remarks and acknowledgments
Candidate announcements
Recognition of Elected Officials and Representatives
7:00 pm
Introduction of Guest Speakers
8:00 pm
Officer Reports New BusinessAnnouncements Adjournment We look forward to seeing you.