Invitation to fundraiser from Senator Atkins with Hillary Clinton 10/19/2020 2-3pm

đŸ’ƒđŸ»Special invitation for members of DWC-SD from Senator Toni Atkins

Hello ,

Just a reminder that ,as you are filling out your ballots, you will want to take a look at

The endorsements of the

We still have some Biden/Harris signs left.

Please call our Treasurer, Rosamond Blevins (805) 878-7078 first

before you purchase just to confirm that we still have signs left. The purchase link is

. We are asking $7 per sign.

Doug Case, Club Member and Political Affairs Director for Senator Atkins, has extended an exciting opportunity for Democratic Club members.On Monday, October 19 from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m., Pro Tem Atkins is hosting a special webinar “Between Us – A Virtual Conversation with Women Leaders Making a Difference” featuring HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON. This is a fundraiser aimed at major donors, but Senator Atkins would like to have a large audience for Secretary Clinton, so she is offering Democratic Club members the opportunity to attend for only $25.The RSVP link to members: completing the RSVP form, put $25 in the Other Amount option. In the Comments section, please put "October 19 Clinton Event - Dem Club Member” in order to receive the link for the event.Other women leaders joining the conversation will be Ann O’Leary (Chief of Staff to Gov. Newson), Jodi Hicks (President of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of CA), Congresswoman Susan Davis, former Congresswoman Lynn Schenk and retired State Senator Chris Kehoe.Information from:Doug CasePolitical Affairs DirectorSenate President pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins619-743-4996 (cell)Pronouns: he, him, his

As always, if any member has questions or concerns, please feel free to call me. I look forward to 'seeing you' at our next meeting, 6:30pm, Monday, October 19, 2020. Link will be resent in meeting reminder. Michael Vu will be our featured speaker. Afterwards, we will have a member discussion of candidates, propositions and measures for which members may want additional information.

Susan Peinado, President

(619) 225-9236

The Mission of the Democratic Woman’s Club of San Diego County is to promote the goals and ideals of the Democratic Party with particular attention to increasing women’s political participation at all levels of elected and appointed office. Therefore, the Club will actively support Democratic candidates, contribute to party leadership, responsibility and harmony, and stimulate active interest in the Democratic Party, particularly among women.

We demand equality of opportunity, a level playing field and fair and equal treatment for all. We are dismantling the patriarchy.We (usually) meet the third Monday of every month see Events section of our website for more details. Meetings are now held on Zoom by registering here.(619) 900-4751[email protected]Join our Meetup group

Officers of the ClubSusan Peinado, President & CofounderRamla Sahid, External Vice PresidentRebecca Fielding-Miller, Internal Vice PresidentCathie Hyatt, SecretaryRosamond Blevins, Treasurer