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- February meeting
February meeting
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Hello ,
To better facilitate the ability of the nominating Committee to recruit candidates willing and able to run for Club Officer positions, the Nominating Committee of the DWC-SD proposes to amend the Club by-laws as follows:
Article IV – Officers; Section 1 – Elected Officers currently states:
Any member who has been in good standing for ninety (90) days is eligible to serve on the Executive Board as an elected officer, except for the office of President. To serve as President the member must be in good standing for at least one (1) year before the election. Elected officers of the DWC-SD shall be the President, External Vice President, Internal Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Membership and Director of Communications. Each officer shall be elected at the general meeting in February and will hold office for two years.
Should any elected member of the Executive Board decide to seek election to a public office for which the club may endorse, the member must resign from the Executive Board effective immediately upon publicly announcing their candidacy. This includes but is not limited to announcing at the club or any form of media; or filing with any government entity.
An elected officer may be removed from office by resolution of a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the voting members at a General Meeting for cause, which may include missing three unexcused consecutive meetings or non- performance of duties. The membership and the officer must be notified fourteen (14) days in advance of the meeting of the proposed action against the officer.
The Nominating Committee has proposed to amend this section by adding the following between paragraphs one and two:
The Nominating Committee may, at their discretion, identify a qualified candidate for club office who does not meet the minimum membership requirements of ninety (90) days for officer or one (1) year for President. In those instances, that requirement may be waived by a two-thirds (⅔) majority of the assembled members present.
If amended the revised bylaws would then read: Article IV – OfficersSection 1 – Elected Officers
Any member who has been in good standing for ninety (90) days is eligible to serve on the Executive Board as an elected officer, except for the office of President. To serve as President the member must be in good standing for at least one (1) year before the election. Elected officers of the DWC-SD shall be the President, External Vice President, Internal Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Membership and Director of Communications. Each officer shall be elected at the general meeting in February and will hold office for two years.
The Nominating Committee may, at their discretion, identify a qualified candidate for club office who does not meet the minimum membership requirements of ninety (90) days for officer or one (1) year for President. In those instances, that requirement may be waived by a two-thirds (⅔) majority of the assembled members present.
Should any elected member of the Executive Board decide to seek election to a public office for which the club may endorse, the member must resign from the Executive Board effective immediately upon publicly announcing their candidacy. This includes but is not limited to announcing at the club or any form of media; or filing with any government entity.
An elected officer may be removed from office by resolution of a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the voting members at a General Meeting for cause, which may include missing three unexcused consecutive meetings or non- performance of duties. The membership and the officer must be notified fourteen (14) days in advance of the meeting of the proposed action against the officer.

Per the bylaws of DWC Article IV-Officers, Section 3-Elections:
Elections shall be held annually at the February meeting, The officers of External Vice President, Treasurer and Direction of Communication will be elected in even numbered years.
The Nominating Committee recommends the election of the following members to fill the positions of External Vice President and Director of Communication:
Sunday Gover
has applied for the position of External Vice President.
Sunday volunteered for the San Diego AIDS Foundation, establish the Rape Crisis helpline at the Woman’s Resource Center. Served as a patient advocate with Planned Parenthood. Sunday will bring experience and dedication to the office of External Vice President.
Ann Crosbie
has applied for the position of Director Communication.
Ann is the Chair of the CDP Children’s Caucus and has the skills in social media and communication which includes experience in building websites, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Slack, Constant Contact and Canva. With these skills and knowledge Ann will be an asset to the DWC.
Currently we do not have a member who applied for the office of Treasurer.
If you are interested in any of the three officers’ positionsof External Vice President, Director of Communication or Treasurer, please contact:
Rosamond Trujillo-Blevins
As per the notice communicated at our monthly meeting on January 21, 2022, the DWC-SD has two endorsement meetings scheduled for February. The first is this coming Sunday, February 6, from 12:00 to 3:30 pm. In addition, our third and final special endorsement meeting for the 2022 Primary Election cycle is scheduled for Sunday, February 27, 2022.
As a reminder, per the Club by-laws as amended on 11/16/2021: “A General Member in good standing who has attended at least two (2) prior meetings, as a member, in the previous twelve (12) months shall be eligible to vote for Club Officer elections and Club endorsements.”
Only those members who meet the above voting eligibility requirements will receive an email from the Democratic Woman’s Club Endorsement Committee with your secure ballot to vote at each meeting. If you are eligible to vote:
• You should have received an email with your ballot on Tuesday, February 1, titled Your February 6, DWCSD Endorsement Ballot is HERE
• On Tuesday, February 22, titled Your February 27,DWCSD Endorsement Ballot is HERE
Please be sure to open and read each of those emails, as they contain all the information you need to participate in each of our scheduled endorsement meetings. If you meet the eligibility to vote criteria and do not see the email with your ballot in your inbox, please check your spam/junk mail folder. If you still cannot find the email, please contact me as soon as possible, so we can research and get your ballot to you
before the date of the meeting.
The email will also contain the Zoom link for the applicablemeeting, a link to view the candidate questionnaires,
and a personalized secure link to your voting ballot.
For those of you eligible to vote who have multiple DWC-SD members in your family, but use only one email address, we will send separate emails for each eligible club member in your family.
These are not duplicate emails.
Each one should be addressed to only one of you. Since each ballot is personalized and secure, each member needs to receive their own email to be able to vote. So, if your family falls in this category, please be sure to look for separate emails for each of the DWC-SD members in your family and ensure each of you vote using the links in the email addressed to you.
Please see our January 23, 2022, newsletter for a complete list of races and candidates we will be considering on February 6.
To join the February 6, meeting here is the Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81186080958 . As a reminder the meeting will start promptly at Noon and will be over at approximately 3:30 PM.
On Sunday, February 27, 2022, we will attempt to endorse in the following races:
Carlsbad City Council:
Priya Bhat-Patel – Friendly Incumbent
CA Secretary of State:
Dr. Shirley Weber – Friendly Incumbent
San Diego CC Board
- Seat A: Dr. Maria Nieto-Senour –Friendly Incumbent
San Diego CC Board
- Seat C: Craig Milgrim – Friendly Incumbent
San Diego CC Board
- Seat E: Geysil Arroyo – Friendly Incumbent
SD County BOE D3
: Alicia Munoz – Friendly Incumbent
SD County BOE D5
: Rick Shea – Friendly Incumbent
SD City Council District 4
: Pearlie Blackmon-Cotton, Monica Montgomery-Steppe
SD City Council District 8
: Antonio Martinez, Vivian Moreno
CA Assembly District 74
: Chris Duncan, Laurie Girand
To join the February 27, meeting here is the Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82266117443 . As a reminder the meeting will start promptly at Noon and will be over at approximately 3:30 PM.
In all races where there are more than two candidates running, we will use our Ranked Choice voting process to determine if any candidate meets the 60% vote threshold required to receive the Club’s endorsement. “No Endorsement” will always be an option and the number of votes for No Endorsement will be included when determining the Club’s position on this race.
General members in good standing who are not eligible to vote will also be sent an email with a link to access and review the completed candidate questionnaires. .
Access to the candidate questionnaires and the endorsement ballot will be open until the end of the voting period on the day of each meeting. Members eligible to vote will be able to vote anytime between receipt of your email on and close of voting on the date of the meeting. While you will be able to vote early, you will only be able to vote once. Please mark your ballot carefully because if you make a mistake, you will not be able to correct it once the ballot has been submitted.
We will briefly review the Ranked Choice Process at eachmeeting.
Please contact me if you have further questions.
Yvonne Elkin (she, her, hers)
DWC-SD Endorsement Committee
As always, if any member has questions or concerns, please feel free to call me. I look forward to 'seeing you' on Monday.
LaWana Richmond, President
(619) 796-3479
The purpose of the Democratic Woman’s Club of San Diego County is to amplify women's issues through education and advocacy and to foster active interest in the Democratic Party, supporting the party platforms, contributing to party leadership and responsibility, providing a constructive role for the volunteer in Democratic politics, and developing an activist base.
We demand equality of opportunity, a level playing field, and fair and equal treatment for all.We are dismantling the patriarchy.We meet the third Monday of every month; please see the Events section of our website for more details. Our meetings are now held on Zoom, and you can register here.Questions? Email [email protected].
Officers of the ClubDr. LaWana Richmond, PresidentLori Saldaña, External Vice PresidentSarah Davis, Internal Vice President Cathie Hyatt, SecretaryRosamond Blevins, Treasurer, Director of MembershipNadia Kean-Ayub, Director of Communications