Democratic Woman's Club of San Diego Endorsement Meeting Notice

Democratic Woman's Club of San Diego Endorsement Meeting Notice

Hello ,


DWCSD Endorsement Meeting, Monday, August 16, 2021 at 6:30 PM

This is to notify you that the Democratic Woman’s Club of San Diego will attempt to endorse, at our meeting on August 16, in the La Mesa City Council Special Election race scheduled for this November. There are three Democratic candidates running:

  • Mejgan Afshan

  • Patricia Dillard

  • Michelle Louden

Reminder! Per the Club’s revised by-laws passed at the February 2021 meeting: “A member in good standing who has attended at least two (2) prior meetings in the previous twelve (12) months and, for new members, has paid dues at least forty-five (45) days prior to the meeting shall be eligible to vote for Club Officer elections and Club endorsements.”

Because there are more than two candidates we anticipate that we will use our Ranked Choice voting process for this effort. As we did last year, we will be using an online voting tool to capture and calculate the vote and that link will only be sent to members eligible to vote. Please watch for an email with more detail about a week before the meeting. That email will provide more detail and instructions, as well as the Zoom meeting link and a link to the candidate questionnaires.


Yvonne Elkin

DWCSD Endorsement Committee


Our meetings are also available live on our YouTube channel. Someone will monitor the chat to text into the meeting relevant questions or comments that may be asked there.

As always, if any member has questions or concerns, please feel free to call me. I look forward to 'seeing you' on Monday.

LaWana Richmond, President

(619) 796-3479

The purpose of the Democratic Woman’s Club of San Diego County is to amplify women's issues through education and advocacy and to foster active interest in the Democratic Party, supporting the party platforms, contributing to party leadership and responsibility, providing a constructive role for the volunteer in Democratic politics, and developing an activist base.

We demand equality of opportunity, a level playing field, and fair and equal treatment for all.We are dismantling the patriarchy.We meet the third Monday of every month; please see the Events section of our website for more details. Our meetings are now held on Zoom, and you can register here.Questions? Email

Officers of the ClubDr. LaWana Richmond, PresidentLori Saldaña, External Vice PresidentSarah Davis, Internal Vice President Cathie Hyatt, SecretaryRosamond Blevins, Treasurer, Director of MembershipJenn French, Director of Communications