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We need the majority in Congress!

Urgent! Call to Action to Save Mike Levin’s House Seat

Get on the bus to canvass for Mike Levin!
Mike Levin's race has just been downgraded from lean Dem to toss-up. We need to hold on to every seat we can in the House and Mike Levin has been a true ally. Postcards are great for GOTV in other states,
but we need your help right here in San Diego County!
Please join us Saturday, if at all possible. The canvass will be focused on GOTV to get out the Dem vote. To register:
Mike Levin
is our endorsed candidate for the 49
Congressional District! His race is the 12th most competitive House race in the nation among incumbent Democrats– in fact, the Stop the Recall only won this district by .8% last fall. Your volunteer efforts could save this district. We need your help!
The CADEM bus will depart from The San Diego County Democratic Party Headquarters, 3934 Murphy Canyon Rd, Suite B103, San Diego, CA 92123 at 10:30am
sharp and return from the canvass at 5:15pm; departing the canvass and boarding the bus to return at 4:30pm.
More opportunities will be posted on the Democratic Woman’s Club Facebook page over the next week.
If you would prefer to car pool, or drive yourself, sign up here:
You all know how critical this election is. This is our chance to make a real difference right here at home.
Looking for Additional Ways to Help Mike Levin?
We cannot afford to lose his seat. Mike has been a champion for our progressive values and he needs his fellow San Diegans to get him through this tight race. Republicans are currently out voting Dems in District 49. Please help get the Dem & Independent voters to send in their ballots by phone banking - several dates & times are available.
As always, if any member has questions or concerns, please feel free to call me. I look forward to 'seeing you' on Monday, May 16th.LaWana Richmond, President(619) [email protected]
The purpose of the Democratic Woman’s Club of San Diego County is to amplify women's issues through education and advocacy and to foster active interest in the Democratic Party, supporting the party platforms, contributing to party leadership and responsibility, providing a constructive role for the volunteer in Democratic politics, and developing an activist base.
We demand equality of opportunity, a level playing field, and fair and equal treatment for all.We are dismantling the patriarchy.We meet the third Monday of every month; please see the Events section of our website for more details. Our meetings are now held on Zoom, and you can register here.Questions? Email [email protected].
Officers of the ClubDr. LaWana Richmond, Presidentvacant, External Vice PresidentSarah Davis, Internal Vice President Cathie Hyatt, SecretaryAnn Crosbie, Director of Communications