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- August 2022 Newsletter
August 2022 Newsletter
Upcoming Meeting Information


More than 900,000 cast ballots in Kansas to uphold the state constitutional right to an abortion - more than a 50% increase over the 2018 primary.
Hello ,
Join us for our regularly scheduled meeting on
Monday, August 15th, 2022, 6:00 PM Check-in
Endorsement MeetingMonday, August 29, 2022: 6:30 PMPLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE NOTICE AS IT CONTAINS IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING THE DWC-SD PLANNED ENDORSEMENT VOTE FOR August 29, 2022. Please join your fellow Democratic Woman's Club (DWC) members for our final endorsement meeting of the 2021-2022 election cycle scheduled for Monday, August 29, at 6:30 PM. This meeting will be dedicated to endorsing candidates for the November General Election.
As a reminder, per the Club by-laws as amended on 11/16/2021: “A General Member in good standing who has attended at least two (2) prior meetings, as a member, in the previous twelve (12) months shall be eligible to vote for Club Officer elections and Club endorsements”.
Only those members who meet the above voting eligibility requirements will receive an email from the Democratic Woman’s Club Endorsement Committee with your secure ballot to vote at the meeting. We will begin sending ballots approximately five days prior to the meeting. Please be sure to open and read each of those emails, as they contain all the information you need to participate in the endorsement meeting. If you meet the eligibility to vote criteria and do not see the email with your ballot in your inbox, please check your spam/junk mail folder. If you still cannot find the email, please contact me as soon as possible, so we can research and get your ballot to you before the date of the meeting.
The email will also contain the Zoom link for the meeting, a link to view the candidate questionnaires, and a personalized secure link to your voting ballot.
The City Council race in La Mesa has 3 candidates vying for 2 open seats. To enable the DWC to efficiently attempt to endorse 2 candidates in this race during a virtual meeting, the Endorsement Committee will follow the precedent we set in August 2020, when attempting to endorse in the National City City Council race. On August 29, 2022, for the La Mesa City Council race ONLY, we will waive the 60% threshold rule. We will, instead, use our Ranked Choice voting process to determine the two top vote getters. Both of those candidates will receive our endorsement. “No Endorsement” will always be an option.
On Monday, August 29, 2022, we will attempt to endorse in the following racesLa Mesa City Council: Mejgan Afshan. Kathleen Brand, Patricia Dillard
La Mesa/Spring Valley School District, Seat 3: Brianna Coston
Chula Vista Elementary School Board Area 3: Marquetta Brown, Leslie Bunker
Helix Water District Board, Division 2: Andrea Beth Damsky
Regards,Yvonne ElkinDWCSD Endorsement Committee[email protected]858-752-4368
MEMBERSHIP DUES CHANGE2022 + 2023 = Just $30In order to improve our Club's ability to effectively plan our activities and budget in the coming years, all club members will now have the same annual renewal date of January 1st, and memberships will cover a calendar year. During this transition, members will have the opportunity to renew their 2022 membership for the rest of 2022 for AND pay their 2023 dues for $30, rather than pay separately for 2022 and 2023 dues which would total $50.
Any new membership or renewed membership will extend from the date of payment through December 31st, 2023. Join or renew at: https://donorbox.org/dwc-sd

As always, if any member has questions or concerns, please feel free to call me. I look forward to 'seeing you' on Monday, July 18th.Dr. LaWana Richmond, President(619) [email protected]
The purpose of the Democratic Woman’s Club of San Diego County is to amplify women's issues through education and advocacy and to foster active interest in the Democratic Party, supporting the party platforms, contributing to party leadership and responsibility, providing a constructive role for the volunteer in Democratic politics, and developing an activist base.
We demand equality of opportunity, a level playing field, and fair and equal treatment for all.We are dismantling the patriarchy.We meet the third Monday of every month; please see the Events section of our website for more details. Our meetings are now held on Zoom, and you can register here.Questions? Email [email protected].
Officers of the ClubDr. LaWana Richmond, Presidentvacant, External Vice PresidentSarah Davis, Internal Vice President Cathie Hyatt, SecretaryAnn Crosbie, Director of CommunicationsYvonne Elkin, Treasurer