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- 20210215 February Meeting Notice
20210215 February Meeting Notice
DWC-SD Meeting Notice and Updates
Hello ,
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your club President. I respect and appreciate the efforts of everyone who has gone before me and hope to do them and you justice. I have stepped into this both humbled and honored.
Last month we celebrated the then-pending changing of the guard and with hope and relief. We gushed over Amanda Gorman and rejoiced at the sound of glass shattering as Vice-President Kamala Harris was sworn in by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
On this first day of Black History Month, beyond providing notice and agenda for the February convening of the Democratic Woman's Club of San Diego County, I encourage you to consider the impact of Black women on history as well as the impact of history on Black women. For example, in California, the first Black woman to serve as the Secretary of State, Dr. Shirley Nash Weber was sworn in. Also, Stacy Abrams just got nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Not bad for a year that's just getting started.
On top of all that, join us in congratulating Ramla who just gave birth to our newest member, Muhammad, affectionately referred to as Little Mo'. Mom and baby are both doing well.
February MeetingWhen: Monday, February 15: The meeting starts at 6:30 PM but please start checking in at 6:00 PM, to help us get the meeting started on time.
Where: Zoom registration is required – if you’re a club member or participant click here to register ahead of time. All of the details on how to join will be provided – including dial-in details from a landline.
Our meetings are also available live on our YouTube channel. Someone will monitor the chat to text into the meeting relevant questions or comments that may be asked there. Here's a look ahead at our agenda for the February meeting:
Consideration of Resolution to CensureCongresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene
Congresswoman Nikema Williams (D-GA-5) and Congresswoman Sara Jacobs (D-CA-53) filed legislation today to formally censure Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. First announced last week, the Williams-Jacobs resolution condemns Congresswoman Greene’s remarks supporting the assassination of current and former elected officials, calls for her to be censured in the well of the House Chamber, and calls for her resignation from Congress.
Legislation to censure requires a simple majority. The Williams-Jacobs resolution is currently co-sponsored by 50 members of the House.
Statement from Congresswoman Sara Jacobs:
“I am proud to introduce legislation today with Congresswoman Williams to censure Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, and I join my colleagues in calling for her immediate resignation."
Amendment of Bylaws
Special thanks to
Yvonne Elkin
and the committee as well as members of the executive board for all of the hours spent working to prepare the bylaws for the January meeting and walking through an inclusive and transparent review by our membership. Please read the following very carefully and make sure to reach out to Yvonne Elkin
with any questions or concerns.
Thank you all for taking such interest in the revision of the Bylaws of the DWC-SD at our January 18, meeting. We had some really great discussions and the committee appreciates your input. As noted, per Article XI of the bylaws, any amendments/revisions must go through a two (2) meeting process. The January meeting was the time for the presentation of the proposed revisions, review of the entire document, discussion, and making motions on suggested changes. The Committee then took that feedback and included it in the final document we will be presenting for a final vote at our meeting on February 15, 2021. The vote to approve the bylaws, as revised, will be placed on the agenda as a Consent Calendar item and we will be proposing to pass it by acclamation.
We are including a link to the final proposed Democratic Woman’s Club Bylaws as revised Feb. 15, 2021,
All of the changes discussed and seconded at the January meeting are highlighted in yellow.
However, the Committee found we needed to modify the proposed change to Article III, Section 4: Voting. The language we agreed to at the last meeting is as follows:
All General Members in good standing who have attended at least three prior meetings in the previous twelve (12) months shall be eligible to vote.
The sense of the discussion that we heard at the January 18th meeting is that we wanted to strengthen our attendance requirements to ensure outside forces couldn’t “pack” our club for voting primarily on endorsements, but also club officer elections. After the meeting, Rosamond Blevins, the Club Treasurer, reviewed the membership roster to determine how many members would be qualified to vote under this proposed criteria. We quickly learned that requiring attendance at three (3) or even two (2) prior meetings disenfranchises over 50% of our membership. So after much discussion among the committee members and our new President we added the language you will see highlighted in blue in the Voting Section. We believe this balances the desire to enfranchise our membership while adding some protections against “club packing.”
Please contact me directly, prior to the meeting, if you have any questions. Yvonne Elkin;
Election of Executive Board Officers
Dear Members,
The Democratic Woman's Club of San Diego County will have a very important Zoom Meeting on February 15, 2021, at 6:30. We will be electing several new officers, External VP, Internal VP, Director of Communications, and Director of Membership.
I have attached the
for Internal VP and Director of Membership. Below is a description of the officers' duties and responsibilities. If you want to run for an office, please return the application to the nominating committee before our next meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Rosamond Blevins
External Vice President
The External Vice-President shall be responsible for all duties of the President if the President is not able to fulfill the duties as stated in the bylaws or is temporarily unavailable. They shall research opportunities to connect with other organizations to amplify DWC-SD issues and act as liaison with NOW, Run Women Run, League of Women Voters, Planned Parenthood, ACLU, and other organizations which will enhance the effectiveness of furthering the Club’s mission to support women. The External Vice President should act as a stand-in for the President, when necessary, at these external organizational meetings. They will make recommendations on issues upon which the DWC-SD should act or bring focus; organize participation at festivals and parades, and perform other duties or responsibilities as directed by the President.
Internal Vice President
The Internal Vice President shall be the direct liaison with campaigns, to encourage membership participation (walks, fundraisers, etc.) in the campaigns of our endorsed candidates and assist with fundraising drives in support of local women’s issues per the Club’s mission. They shall be responsible for the annual audit and will serve as the chair of the audit committee. The Internal Vice President will coordinate with the External Vice President to ensure club members’ participation at festivals and parades. The Internal Vice President shall prepare and preside at meetings of the Executive Board in the absence or inability of the President; will perform other duties as the President may direct; and be responsible for all duties of the President if the President and the External Vice-President is not able to fulfill the duties as stated in the bylaws.
Director of Communications
The Director of Communications (hereinafter referred to as DOC) shall be responsible for Club communications, including but not limited to updating the Club’s website and Facebook page; sending out email notices in advance of meetings; and posting updates on the Club’s other social networking accounts. The DOC will work with the President in shaping the Club’s message and will coordinate with the Director of Membership to make sure the Club’s email list is updated. The DOC will be responsible for setting up and communicating Zoom meeting links, as necessary.
Director of Membership
The Director of Membership (hereinafter referred to as DOM) shall be responsible for maintaining the Club’s membership list. The DOM will serve as the chief credentialing officer at all DWC-SD general meetings and endorsement meetings. Together with the Treasurer, the DOM will be responsible for staffing the registration table at all Club meetings and events. In addition, the DOM will notify the Executive Board on the status of member renewals and will provide a monthly status report on Club membership to the Executive Board.
COVID-19 Updates
Club Vice President
, UCSD Assistant Adjunct Professor, Medicine, School of Health Sciences, an epidemiologist, who has been featured on
, will address member concerns and questions on Covid related issues. More information on Dr Miller may be found
As always, if any member has questions or concerns, please feel free to call me. I look forward to 'seeing you' on Monday.
LaWana Richmond, President
(619) 796-3479
The Mission of the Democratic Woman’s Club of San Diego County is to promote the goals and ideals of the Democratic Party with particular attention to increasing women’s political participation at all levels of elected and appointed office. Therefore, the Club will actively support Democratic candidates, contribute to party leadership, responsibility and harmony, and stimulate active interest in the Democratic Party, particularly among women.
We demand equality of opportunity, a level playing field and fair and equal treatment for all. We are dismantling the patriarchy.We (usually) meet the third Monday of every month see Events section of our website for more details. Meetings are now held on Zoom by registering here.(619) 900-4751[email protected]Join our Meetup group
Officers of the ClubLaWana Richmond, PresidentRamla Sahid, External Vice PresidentRebecca Fielding-Miller, Internal Vice PresidentCathie Hyatt, SecretaryRosamond Blevins, TreasurerSusan Peinado, Immediate Past President